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For anyone that already has a design blog or is considering starting one don't miss this article. Some of them are (tiny) pet peeves which I cleverly turned into tips. Hey sometimes you need to know what doesn't work in order to determine what does, right?
This tongue-in-cheek post about men and their love of wood struck a cord. Ladies, I don't think the battle is over yet but your husband might get a chuckle out of this one :)
My posts on blogging are always popular and this one was no exception. If you waffle on how to handle negative comments, here's two opinions (mine and Adam Baker's).
This post gets a lot of hits through google searches because it is a very important question. And a sofa highly dictates the look and feel of your living or family room. So if you still don't have a new sofa because you are not sure which colour you should buy? Read this one. Since we are taking about sofa's here's my take on when leather is appropriate.
Everyone loves to weigh in with their opinion and this post was no exception. Was it the headline that made this one so popular? Only you know for sure.
My dear friend Liz died a little over a year ago and I miss her so much. She was a wonderful designer, mentor, friend, mother and wife. She lived life full out and this post outlines the best lessons I learned from her. Read on, if you are a designer, it's a good one.
Photo by Maria Killam
I always get lots of lovely comments when I post my own projects. This office was inspired by The Devil Wears Prada and I think we were all in love with the Colour of 2010 which was Turquoise.
This post is not just for designers. It's for anyone in the service business who needs to be reminded (again) not to work for free. Boundaries--we all need them--and it's hard when our clients become our friends too! My clients are the best!
Happy New Year everyone!
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