Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Countdown Day 15

The Clock Is Ticking!

I’m usually not an alarmist, (smile), when it comes to Christmas.  Things usually fall into place.  Perhaps because I decided to put together this aptly named series, I feel a bit like the sands of time are slipping through the hourglass.  All of a sudden, I’m imagining being in a long hallway, with a huge grandfather clock clanging away at the eleventh hour and scolding me about waiting so long to get my holiday list checked off!   

It’s all about perception, though, and I should think of the clock ticking as the calming rhythm of a heartbeat.  A symbol of life and a joyous looking forward to times to come. 


What a clever idea!  Antique and vintage clock faces turned into ornaments.  (Courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens)


The finished tree!

Tree, oranges 034 

I’m enamored with clocks . . . especially those of the floor version.  Grandfather or Grandmother, they make me feel right at home!  (Courtesy of:  Between Naps on the Porch)


This is a winning combination of a mantle clock and an over door piece.  (Courtesy of: Traditional Home)


Ah, Etsy, you never let me down!  At $90, this vintage Italian Tole clock will ring in the hour, beautifully!  (From:  unExpectedParTie)


I won’t even mention what’s right around the corner!

Thanks for spending your time with me! ~ All my best! ~ Wanda

12 Days And Counting!
