Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Countdown – Day 7

Wondrous Wreaths

It’s been a whole week of Christmas Countdown Posts!  Even for this prolifically pontificating gal, that’s a lot!  I hope you’re receiving some great ideas, or if nothing else, I’ve been putting you into the spirit of Christmas.

advent-wreath1In speaking of the spirit, it wouldn’t really be Christmas, (if you subscribe to the non-commercial version), without honoring a little bit of history about the symbolism behind the Christmas wreath.  The first known reference has been thought to date back to the 16th century and to the Lutherans in Germany.  The wreath represents eternity, coming full circle, a beginning without an end.  During the period of Advent, the four weeks prior to Christmas, folks may place a candle at four corners, to be lighted each Sunday, as a reminder of the holy event to come.

Modern day wreaths may be comprised of many different materials: however, using evergreens is highly symbolic of everlasting life - as a sign of strength - since they survive the harsh winters.

I found some lovely examples of natural wreaths, on Martha Stewart.  It never hurts to have a gorgeous backdrop, too!

A simple and lush cushion moss wreath pops against an all white surround.

mla104045_1208_lhmultiple2_xlA triple tier of blue spruce, connected by ribbon.  I love the flanking lanterns as a different twist to topiaries!

la104045_1208_chandelier_xl A “chandelier”, created with cedar greens, are fitting for a Scandinavian-influenced holiday beverage tasting.

mld104903_1209_stellar_wreath_xlOf course, wreaths can come in different shapes.  I think this star, of golden cedar, evokes a similar message, too.

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”  ~Norman Vincent Peale


19 Days and Counting! ~ All my best! ~ Wanda
