It’s so fun to know we’ve got a brand-spanking New Year ahead of us! While some might be happy to say “buh-bye” to 2010, I’m reflecting on bringing forward those experiences and gained wisdom to make 2011 an even better one!
Resolutions abound in the New Year. Lots of folks are making their list. Kind of a “to-do” for the year. A lot of us end up not keeping them, too. I wonder if we really think about what the process of resolving actually means?
(a) : the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones (b) : the act of answering or solving (c) : the act of determining.
I think when it’s broken down into bits and pieces, the tasks don’t seem so daunting. When I work on an interior design project, I look at the big picture and then analyze the parts which form it. I should be able to do that with my life, right? :)
We all measure the success of keeping our resolutions in different ways:
However you measure yours, just remember - “Inch by Inch” works pretty well.
Happy New Year! I hope it’s a booming good one! ~ Wanda