Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Countdown ~ Day 20

Museums and Mischief

Every year, there is a marathon day of the airing of “A Christmas Story” (<Click on for a fun trailer).  If you’ve not seen it, you must check your local channel listings as I believe it starts on Christmas Eve, for twenty-four hours, on TBS.  I’m not sure if it should be admitted, but my husband and his sister can almost mouth the entire dialogue, as they have watched it so much!


There are many hysterical parts and I don’t want to be the spoiler of any surprises, should you have been sheltered from viewing it.  Recently; however, after touring our local Mint Museum, with my friend, Maybelline Te, we came upon an exhibit of designer couture . . . shoes to be exact.  (And if you know Maybelline, shoes make her heart go pitter pat!)  Well, I just couldn’t help it . . . giggles ensued when I saw this:


And even more so when I read this:


(It’s kind of fun when a museum shares a sense of humor.)

If you are a fan of the movie, then you’ll know I thought the only thing missing might be the lamp shade!

Leg Lamp

It just goes to show you, you can take the mischief out of the museum, but not the museum out of some mischief.

With a twinkling of an eye! ~ Wanda

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PS – By the way, do you think Mrs. Claus needs a wardrobe update?
