In looking at the color forecasts, yellow is definitely on the horizon in design. Just look at some of the latest fashions. Yellow is not a color everyone can carry off, in apparel, but there are many ways to utilize it in a room, full force or sparingly. I once worked with an interior designer who thought every room should have a touch of yellow, even if it was a bowl of lemons. She had a knack for knowing how to add a touch of sunshine, in just the right place.
If you have a room with a northern exposure, crisp, yellow walls can chase away the drearies. In rooms with southern exposures, it is still a good idea to use the right shade of yellow to tone down the sharp,blue light, which can be emitted from the sun. Just be careful not to go too bright or too primary or it will seem jarring. Too often, new parents will paint the nursery with a vivid yellow, only to learn this color makes babies fussy and it prevents peaceful slumber. In the family room I designed, above, I wrapped the windows in fabric with the same tone of the walls, in order to allow the continual feeling of being wrapped in the sun.
Yellow represents optimism and promotes memory. Ever wonder why your Post-It notes or legal pads originated in yellow? Anything that gets your attention is bound to help retain information and to allow for sharper concentration. It is said people who prefer yellow, tend to be more intellectual. Yellow also helps with eliminating lethargy. Good if you want to stay active, but can be bad if you want to rest. Yellow generally makes people happy. Remember the smiley face button from the 1960's? (Okay, I heard it was created then - when I was a mere chick.) Upcoming color combinations? Yellow and . . . . soft gray, pumpkin, citrus green, berry red, and even purple!
No matter how you choose to color your world, a dash of yellow just might add an extra dose of happy!