The Pottery Barn is the only store that consistently makes me want to buy all their toss cushions--not to mention other home decor items, I walked in today while sourcing furniture for a client and there was the colour [yellow] for 2009 displayed right in the entrance.
Look at the braided flange on the white one. . . love that!
I love these Tuscany inspired urns, I have a client that needs these in her great room!
I snapped a photo of this centerpiece candle holder, and then saw something similar later in silver when I got to Paramount Furniture.
Wouldn’t it be fun if you could just buy the newest, freshly patterned chair every spring for your living room?
Okay, speaking of hallways [you know I have a pet peeve about them], I stepped into the entry to the elevators [from the parkade]when I got to Jordan’s Furniture and got depressed. Blue gray tiled floors with green gray wall colour [it might be hard to tell from this image but trust me there is no relationship between these colours here]! The door was also a matching charcoal to the floor!
That little foyer [with the charcoal gray floor] should have been a burst of colour like this terra cotta below:
Benjamin Moore 2172-30
The only colours that liven up grays are varying shades of reds, orange, yellows and fresh greens, gray-on-gray just doesn’t cut it!