Tuesday, January 11, 2011

On The Road Again

Man, I wish I had an old school Wagoneer! My total dream vehicle. I think it fits as my last name is Wagner...get it? After dropping almost$1,000 on my truck in less than six weeks I am starting to consider my options.

With my job, a pick-up sure would be handy! Not sure it is very feminine though.
Regardless, it would have to be blue like this one...

If I had an endless supply of funds for repairs I would totally get this 1977 Range Rover. The color is perfect!...

And to be honest, I am still hanging onto my
high school dream car...

Because I wanted to be like her...

And I am not gonna lie, when I was 15 I use to search through
Autro Traders for one of these...

But I did love my first car...until it caught on "fire" while driving on the highway
(remember that Katie???) and then the transmission dropped out.
Saab's suck.

Anyway, I'm headed to market in Atlanta (weather permitting). Shopping for clients and going to look for items for my new online shop, any requests???
