Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Decorganizing: Pantry

(decor + organizing = decorganizing)

I need to once again admit that I stole that term from Tina Fey on a 30 Rock episode just in case she reads my blog and wants to sue me. The reason I like it so much is that a space can be well organized but well, lack-luster. I feel that in order to keep a space organized, it also has to look good!

Here is a pantry that I found in the blog world and thought it was very inspirational! I have organized many pantries but they don't always photograph super well but I thought this one laid out the process very well so here goes...



The keys to organizing any space are basically the same. I will break it down into 5 simple steps.

Remove everything from your space.

(Yeah, it's gonna look bad before it looks good!)

Separate like items. For example, put all baking goods together as she has done below.
(It is best to do while you are doing step no. 1 so you are more efficient!)
This is especially smart so when she goes to bake,
she can remove this box and all her supplies are handy!

Once you have a "blank canvas," clean it top to bottom and then do what you can to improve the overall aesthetic.
Here she painted and then used a vinyl decal on the wall to add more interest.

Once you have everything separated into categories, put the items into proper containers and be sure to label them as needed.

Load the space! It is best to put seldom used items up high and more frequently used items in easy reach.

Here is another after shot! Great job!

And if you love all her labels as I do, you can get them here!

In 2010, I did Decorganizing posts every Wednesday but I felt like I was (pardon me) half-assing it. So in 2011, I will still do Decorganizing posts more sporadically and only when I really feel inspired! But I need your help! If you have a specific area that you want organizing help with, leave a comment or email me at and I might do a post on this topic providing you with organizing tips and inspirational photos. Or email me photos of your space with a description of your organizing needs and I just might feature it on my blog! I will give you details instructions with specific product information on how to decorganize your space! Or if yo need hands-on-help, email me for information on my organizing services.
