Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sunflower Yellow; Where are yoooooooooou?

The reason you have not seen the corner bookshelves in my living room yet is because I had lights installed on two sets of shelves going across all 5 of them and in between is a glass shelf. This means I can’t stick books on these shelves (except on the bottom shelf) or the light won’t come through the glass.  And I have been looking and looking for yellow decorative objects in vain.  I am way ahead of the curve decorating with this colour. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
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At least I can find Begonias in the exact colour of my sofa, and they last for a month in my house which is a long time for an indoor potted plant I think.
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When I was in High Point last fall, I found these two plates in a little shop and then this yellow candle somewhere else, so I put it on my pewter candleholder with the happy, instrument playing mice.
Colour me Happy Blog 1249This pineapple I picked up on sale and then when I got it home I realized that the reason why it was on sale was because one of the leaves was broken, but I turned it so it’s in the back.
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photos by Maria Killam
I even found some National Geographics at a thrift store for $1 each but it was when I bought this silly yellow bike home that I realized I’ve lost it.  Seriously?  A vintage bike ornament when no-one in this relationship remotely rides?  It’s desperately reaching and I’m taking it back because it’s just not right. I don’t want every single thing on my bookshelf to be yellow, but this is all I have and it’s a big bookshelf!

So the quest for my ‘finished-enough-to-be-photographed’ bookshelf continues. . . ideas anyone?

If you would like your home to fill you with happiness every time you walk in, contact me

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Here’s a Way to make your Bookshelf Beautiful
Why is it so hard to Choose Yellow?

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