Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Decorganizing: Clipboard To-Do-List

As I am trying to get organized in the new year, I am considering this idea... a clipboard for each day of the week telling me what I need to get done that day. Then if I don't get it done on Monday, I can move it to Tuesday. What do you think? If you are a fellow designer, you know that you can start of a day on a solid schedule/checking off your to-do-list but by 10:00 you are totally off track! You get a call and have to immediately change gears to talk to a client, put out a fire or track down details on an order. This is a very ADD-centric job. And I am the total antithesis of ADD and get frustrated when I get distracted from the task at hand so it is a constant struggle for me! Maybe this technique will work...



via Apartment Therapy
