Thursday, June 10, 2010

What are the Hottest Paint Colours for 2010?

I am doing a talk about trends in a couple weeks so I thought I’d start by conducting a poll with all of you, my favourite peeps! So here’s what I need to know. From the designers reading this, what would you say are the (minimum) top 5 paint colours (numbers and paint co.) you are specifying right now? And from all the rest of my lovely, creative readers, which colours are you painting your homes right now? If you don’t have specific numbers, just say something like: “I just painted my daughters room robin’s egg blue, or my dining room brown? Or if you are about to paint, tell me what you’ve chosen!

This little darling (above) also wants to know :) House of Turquoise

Oh, and one more thing—this is very important, which city/region are you from? It’s always interesting to know if some colours are more popular in the East vs. the West for example.

I can’t wait to hear what you have to say, I’ll write a follow up post so that everyone else can read what they are as well!

Thanks so much!

If you would like your home to fill you with happiness every time you walk in, contact me for on-line or in-person consultations.

Related posts:

The Combination of Surprise is What’s Next in Colour
When is White just Right?
Fresh and Fruity Colour Trends for 2010

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