Monday, June 28, 2010

Travel Trailer Chic

According to Triple A, it has been predicted there will be over 35 million Americans hitting the roadways for the July 4th holiday!  While some may be heading to vacation homes, others will be visiting family and/or friends.  There are also many who will be looking for accommodations in hotel suites or vacation villas.  I wonder if the travel experts have done a poll on how many are taking their accommodations with them? 

flying cloud (2)I have to admit . . . I’m not a “camping” kind of gal.  On the few occasions I’ve made the effort, it was either due to meeting the requirement of a Girl Scout badge, (and I have a very funny side tale about that adventure), or it was to appease my spouse, of whom I fondly refer to as “Nature Boy”.  I have done stints in a tent, an overnight sleeping bag trek - under the stars, and stayed in an unusual contraption called a “camping cabin”, which roughly translated:  an abode with no running water or facilities, but by golly it had a cable hook-up for your television!  Yes, I can probably count my roughing-it experiences on one hand, and I don’t anticipate using the other hand for future calculations.

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(This Airstream,Classic Limited provides cool luxury for a trip through Anza-Borrego Desert in California.)

In the meantime, I do have to say, I’m a bit enamored with the Airstream Travel Trailer.  Maybe because it’s heyday falls in the same time-period of Mid-Century Modern design.  The sleek, rounded body hasn’t veered too far from it’s origins.  Interestingly, it was first created in the late 1920’s, by Wally Bynam.  He began by building trailers out of Masonite, in his LA backyard.  Eventually, Airstream trailers were manufactured in the trademark aluminum shell, so many of us recognize, today.  There is a long and fascinating history of events, of which I’ll economize on words, by having you click onto this link to read the rest of the story.

I’m truly impressed by some of the beautiful interior fittings I’ve seen in some of the recent models.  I also have an affinity for a little bit of the kitsch, associated with the vintage Airstream models.  It conjures up thoughts of diners, driving on historic Hwy Route 66, and of all things Americana. 

Let’s hit the road, together!

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This is the Victorinox Swiss Army Limited Edition, made in celebration of the 125th anniversary of the Swiss Army Knife.  How many of these are available?  You guessed it!  Only 125 were produced at around $61,000 each.  It’s just like the knife - the epitome of function and sleek.

5-26-09-airstreamNeed something a bit softer?  The owner of this vintage Airstream added some femme touches – pops of pink and a crystal overhead fixture.

airstream_hall caravel1

Although vacation really means leaving your work behind, this Airstream version is outfitted with the executive in mind.  Upon completing your day, there is a light at the end!

byron bay 1

byron bay   lthse1

If you aren’t quite ready to run out to purchase one of these beauties, there are many areas where you can actually rent an Airstream, on location.  The version, above, provides a beach bungalow vibe in the exotic locale of Byron Bay, in New South Wales, Australia. (Excuse me while I sigh a little.)

I’m still pondering what I’ll be doing, during the July 4th break.  It will more than likely be something a bit closer to home.  I’m not one who loves being in the thick of the mass exodus on the roads.  It could be a great time for creating a backyard barbeque, churning some homemade ice cream, and finding a display of fireworks to enjoy.  If I did have the option; however, this sure looks like the ticket . . .

airstream-beach Happy July 4th!  Let freedom ring!

Experience the best about design, at home or on the road!  Wanda
