Since everyone these days knows me for my colour blog, I came to the realization that [most] people are just a teeny bit disappointed if I arrive and I’m not wearing a stitch of colour. Okay this might be mostly in my head but if the situation were reverse, I would expect a colourist to show up wearing colour. So then, I decided I better learn how to wear colour properly so it looks stylish which is where my fashion challenged post was born.
Then I wrote this post about how to wear colour after I had found Angie Cox at You Look Fab! Recently we met when Angie was in town with her fabulous husband Greg and he took our photo (below):
Angie, Greg and I had a great time brainstorming at Artegiano coffee on how we could create some interesting posts together, to show how interior design connects to fashion! So this post about Colour Blocking is the first in the series. At the end of this post, you can link to You Look Fab and read about colour blocking in fashion! After all, if you read my blog because you are interested in creating beauty in your home, you probably care just as much about how you put your outfits together and there is no better place to learn than from the best and most stylish fashionista I know, Angie Cox!
The following are 5 ways to add instant Happiness to your space with colour blocking:
1. Colour blocking is a fabulous and inexpensive way to create artwork! As the article in the 2002 issue of House & Home Magazine (where I clipped the above image from way back then) says, “You can follow your heart and stop being bossed around by your walls”). In this great example above, a twig runner was added to create texture and instant art! I also created that here with my loft client because we had so much wall space to fill!
Images from House & Home Magazine
2. Creates an instant focal point. I love the way the back walls of the shelves were painted a stronger colour because they are recessed to visually link the fireplace wall to the displayed objects on the shelves! And if you don’t have an obvious focal point like the fireplace wall, you can create one just the same way with just a quart of paint!
3. Colour blocking provides eye catching contrast, like in this image above with white walls and alternating shades of yellow and orange!
4. It creates a strong and graphic statement. In this kitchen chalkboard paint was used which makes it practical as well! And this effect is even more enhanced by the red chair and vintage fridge.
5. You can even hang colourful panels of fabric on the wall for a really fun and inexpensive way to change up your interior.
Colour blocking is also a great way to define an open space, for example you could paint a block of colour in the dining room area of a large space to create an instant feeling of coziness. I prefer the look of blocking colour like the ways I've shown above to accent walls because I think they are a little more intentional and artsy looking.
Penny Mitchell from Remax Realty
I couldn’t resist snapping this photo of one of my stylish and colourful clients when I met with her today in West Vancouver. I thought her outfit was such a perfect example of colour blocking! And it’s the perfect segue to Angie’s post which will continue this conversation! Click here to read the fashionista’s guide to colour blocking!
Have you ever tried colour blocking in your home? Do you think you will now?
If you would like your home to fill you with happiness every time you walk in, contact me for on-line or in-person consultations.
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