Photographs by Maria Killam
We were invited out to the cottage of our friends Keith & Ellen Rush this weekend on Thetis Island. Ellen was my assistant a few weeks ago during my True Colour Expert Workshop!
Ellen said Eddie does not appreciate this sign (below) that was in this greenhouse when they bought the property, so it has to come down :)
This is the beautiful hand carved sign that greets guests at the top of the driveway!
Their cottage is right on the waterfront.
This is where we had cocktails last night and watched the sunset. Our first really beautiful day in over 3 weeks. Vancouverites always act surprised when it rains all through May and June and really doesn't turn into summer until the middle of July, but that is usually how it goes!
These are the 'natural' [I think a lot of work was behind this] steps leading down to the beach!
Of course, I am always quick to find a blogging opportunity! Ellen just painted her living room Straw [BM 2154-50] I was completely charmed by the view (below) and the feeling in the house!
Loved the sweet elephant lamp in this little vignette.
Ellen said Eddie does not appreciate this sign (below) that was in this greenhouse when they bought the property, so it has to come down :)
Look at this adorable teacup chandelier hanging in the greenhouse. The great thing about cottage life is that suddenly anything that might look out of place in your house in the city can be placed in a cottage and it just adds to the charm!
There is a lot of work that goes into making this property so beautiful!
I had to snap a photo of this door (given to them by a friend and leaning up against the house) because it is the exact same colour of the sofa I have just ordered for my living room.
I love trees that hang over and almost touch the water on an island, it's so romantic.
Photographs by Maria Killam
Hope you had a Happy Sunday!
If would like your home fill you with happiness every time you walk in, contact me for on-line or in-person consultations.
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