Friday, April 30, 2010

The Wisteria Winner Is . . .

But first, an important message from our sponsor. 

Well, isn’t that how all contests are?  You build the anticipation and then cut to a commercial?  In the case of a blog contest, it might not be so dramatic, but I am so excited about revealing the winner as this was my first contest!  Thanks to everyone who commented and shared your thoughts on my “Details In Design” series.  It was great fun to put this together!

The contest ended on April 30th and the winner will be receiving a $75.00 gift certificate from, to indulge in anything they might like.  I wonder what they’ll choose? . . . .

Will it be a set of jewel topped bottles?


What about a French Country cake stand?

w3520-large Perhaps a set of Tapas dishware?


Maybe some clever book boxes?

I’ll admit, while it’s tempting to go shopping for myself, I do think it’s better to give than to receive, so I’ll share the contest results.

And the winner is! . . . . .Tamara Matthews-Stephenson, of Nest by Tamara!  Tamara is a fabulous blogger and interior designer, from New York, so her win makes this give-a-way very special, indeed.  I’m honored to have her posts, along with all of the others, as I so enjoy her writing and capturing of great design.  Congratulations, Tamara!  Be sure to email me with mailing instructions for the gift certificate, by May 30th.  (

Thanks, again, to all of the participants.  You are all winners of my heart!

Cheers to you!  Wanda
