Friday, October 16, 2009

Design Crush: Tobi Fairley

Love these headboards!

Love this painted bed (esp the color)!

Love everything-sunburst mirror, white and green color scheme, symmetry...

Love the simple yet elegant styling!

Love the art arrangement in the molding (or painted molding?)!

Love the mirrored insets on the cabinets!

I had to show this one again because it just makes me so happy! Anyone notice how the mirrors reflected in the coffee table look like eye lashses? Love that!

I don't know where I have been but I recently discovered designer Tobi Fairley's website and I was blown away! According to her biography, she is based in Arkansas but works on projects along the south from Charleston to Los Angeles (how fun!). Once I started searching her portfolio, I recognized many of her projects that I have tagged from shelter magazines. It also says she has been working on several product lines set to debut in 2010. Can't wait! You can follow her career, appearances and projects via her blog, go check it out!
