Every colour expert that I have interviewed on my blog has their own interpretation and unique way of looking at colour. I loved how their answers caused me to look at colour in a different way. Here's the recap of the best from each interview:
1) Janice Lindsay. Everyone was fascinated by what she said about Black:
[MK] What is the most under utilized colour?
[JL] Black. Because when it is doing its work you often don’t see it and that is its magic. Because we associate it with negative things and forget that is is strong and elegant and quiet – the yin to white’s noisier yang.
I recently had the privilege of meeting her in person. She was on tour with PPG and was in their booth at the Design Show in Vancouver a few weeks ago!
2) Kate Smith. Her answer to ‘What colours do you think are timeless” was so true!
[KS] Our love of these complex neutrals signals a shift in our collective aesthetic. We are being drawn to these colours because our taste has matured and we have a more sophisticated appreciation of colour. Now that we have reached this new level we will never go back.
Image source
In the 80’s we were new to colour and experimenting with it so everyone painted one wall red (myself included :). Kate’s point about complex neutrals points to what we are doing now; hiring a consultant to add colour (even if it’s in the form of neutrals) to pull our spaces together! A neutral is still adding colour where there were white walls previously!
3) Joanne Day. I love her answer to this one!
[MK] What do you think is one of the biggest mistakes homeowners make with colour?
[JD] Following a trend that doesn’t agree with a clients genetically hardwired color bias. When a perfect color outfit makes you feel beautiful, it empowers you. It follows that the colors in your home should be chosen in a similar way.
4) Lori Sawaya. She made a great point when asked the same question (biggest mistakes homeowners make);
[LS] Thinking they lack something when it comes to coloring for themselves; that their color inspiration lies with some outward source. Every single person came here perfectly well equipped to self-color at each stage of their life; even if they are colorblind or color limited. Everyone has what’s needed to experience and live a robust color journey.
5) Jane Hall. Her answer to; [MK] Why is the use of colour so important in design? Had everyone commenting!
[JH] Color is critical to design because like sound, it travels on waves and therefore affects our subconscious in a very profound way. It helps clients take emotional possession of their homes, and infuse them with their own personalities, instead of the latest trends in the magazines, or their neighbours’ taste or the previous owners' style. Many people move in their homes with boxes but never arrive emotionally.
Above 4 images from Amanda Nisbet Design
On my poll about Which colour should be banished from the paint decks? 4 out of 5 answered the same way; Pinky Beige! Having said that, there is a place for that colour, just [generally] not in wall to wall carpeting or tile, too hard to work with because it’s so dated.
Hope you enjoyed my recap! Which one resonated for you?
Related posts:
Interview with Colour Expert; Jane Hall
Interview with Colour Expert; Janice Lindsay (Washington Post Blog Watch, July 9)
Interview with Colour Expert; Joanne Day