Sunday, October 25, 2009

Are you Vain?

The only cure for vanity is laughter, and the only fault that is laughable is vanity. ~Henri Bergson Are you vain? If you are, would you admit it? Is it a bad thing? A certain amount of vanity is a good thing in my opinion and I can be vain at times for sure. So since this post is about vanites I thought I’d include this quote!

image Sex & the City Movie, Sarah Jessica Parker’s Apartment

Since space and storage are at such a premium in many bedrooms, there usually isn’t enough room to have a vanity as well! If you have the space though, they are a beautiful and feminine addition the bedroom!

imageBoth (above) photos are part of the Hollywood glam trend, still a hot look with mirrored dressers and tables for sale everywhere! Here this simple vanity is right at home in this luxurious bedroom with the faux fur rug and fabric tufted walls.

image Here’s a smaller one (above) if you are short on space! (Image source) This one is almost not much bigger than an end table.


If you prefer a contemporary look (above), here is one. Image source

imageEven more luxurious is a bathroom big enough for a vanity!

The reason for this post today was I fell in love with a vanity I saw at Pier 1 on Friday! I would love to have a client’s bedroom to install it in, I love the curvy lines and the chair with the low back is just adorable.


Here’s the mirror and as it says in the copy ‘A vanity without a mirror is just a table’.



If you have the space, it’s a great price!

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