Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Am Thankful...

Like many of you out there, I am guilty of focusing on all of the things that I don't have in life instead of spending my time counting my blessings. What better time to take note of all the good things than Thanksgiving. So here goes!

I am thankful for (in no particular order)...

My wonderful and supportive parents. You are great role models!

My brother and all that you are and all that you do for our family.

My sister-in-law for being the sister I always wanted!

My nephew Finn and your wittiness/smarts.

My nephew Garrett and your big hugs and your even bigger heart.

My nephew Tyler and your funny faces and your hilarious personality.

Bravo TV.

My beautiful and amazing friends. I love you all!!!

The roof over my head.

Mexican food and margaritas.

The people that pay me to do interior design! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

All the fantastic subs and craftsman that make me look good, I (literally) could not do it without you!

Happy hour.

Design books, magazines and blogs...I relish the eye candy!

Being able to live at the beach/on the water.

Will Farrel.

My sense of humor (it gets me through some tough times!)

All of your sweet people that actually read my blog!!!

I urge all of you to count your blessings this Thanksgiving!
