Marion Cotillard in Psycho
Seth Rogen in North by Northwest
Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert Downey, Jr. in To Catch a Thief
Scarlett Johansson and Javier Bardem in Rear Window
Charlize Theron in Dial M For Murder
Jodie Foster in Birds
Renee Zellwegger in Vertigo
I meant to post this on Friday in honor of Alfred Hitcock's birthday. Yes, Friday the 13th! And yes, I am that big of a dorky fan. But I forgot so here is is. These images are from a 2008 Vanity Fair shoot with modern day actors/actresses depicting Hitchcock's most famous characters. Brilliant! See the full article here. And if you are a dorky fan like me or just into fashion, get this book...
You can thank me later.