Saturday, August 14, 2010

Does your Hair Colour influence the Colours you Love?

The other day a reader called me from Calgary, interested in learning more about my on-line consulting services. She was worried that I don’t like pinky beige and asked if I could really help her choose the right colours based on that. She said whenever a blonde designer shows up at her door she gets yellow based colours and that’s not what she wants. So she got me to wondering, does our hair colour influence the colours we love?

image Source

Here's when I think bias gets in the way. A lot of designers are very afraid of specifying colour for the walls. How do I know this? I’ve talked to so many of you and prior to my crash course in colour consulting (over 1,000 calls in 4 years) I was afraid every time I specified a colour. I would lay awake at night, worried that it would be bad and my client would hate it. Then when I started to understand how to choose colour accurately and saw enough of it on the walls, my fear went away. It’s like anything, once you do enough of it, your confidence increases.

imageSource (Anyway, I adore pink and yellow together)

It’s why I think designers should not have any problem hiring a colour expert to help with wall colour.

In my last True Colour Expert Workshop, one of the designers in the course told me that in the beginning of her career she worked with a designer that would always use BM Muslin. No matter what her client wanted it would always come back to Muslin. It’s why there’s so much white and beige in the magazines. It’s just easier than colour (although if you’ve been reading this blog you know beige is not that easy either). When you go for colour, you need to know that you might paint a room or two twice because the way the light hits the colour causes it to do something different than you thought.


So if a designer is comfortable with a small, very limited range of colours—usually ones they like—that’s when it becomes difficult to choose colours outside the range. I have seen them all so if you like pinky beige, I can still choose the right pink for you. Besides, there really aren’t any bad colours in the world, just bad colour combinations.


But now I’m curious. What is your hair colour and your favourite colour? Do blondes really gravitate to yellow just because it’s their hair colour? Please do tell.

If you would like your home to fill you with happiness every time you walk in,contact me for on-line or in-person decorating and colour.

Related posts:

What everyone should Know about Beige

Why you can’t afford Not to Hire a Colour Expert

Should you pay for a room to be re-painted if You chose the Colour?

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