Monday, February 8, 2010

Who Dat?

Designer India Hicks

Designer Ann Coyle

via design sponge



I am not a huge Saints fan or anything but wanted to give them a little shout out for winning last night! Hence the gold/black theme in the images above. I went to a really fun Superbowl party where my friends were trying to recreate the football stadium experience and in all honesty, I preferred being there than the actual game. They had a huge tent in the backyard with stadium seating to fit 150 people, a massive screen for football viewing, a band to play at halftime and I would be remiss to mention the air stream hot dog vendor (I had two dogs and a Moonpie), popcorn, boiled peanuts from "the peanut guy" who was walking around singing his peanut song. Great party!!! However, I did miss most of the commercials which I must admit is my favorite part.
