Saturday, February 13, 2010

If Walls Could Talk

As an interior designer, who has been guilty of participating in the “wallpaper removal movement”, I have to say, I have a renewed interest and love of how the latest array of beautiful coverings have made their way back into focus.  There are so many crisp and delightful patterns!  If you took them out of the picture, (literally), such as in the room settings below, the outcome might be a bit blasé. 

My expert installer, Steve, will be so pleased to know he can go back to his title of, Steve the Paperhanger, rather than his moniker, of a few recent months ago, “Steve the Paper Stripper”.  (So sorry – sometimes I do have to get past the stuffiness often associated with interior designers!)  It should be known, while some folks are courageous enough to attempt to install their own paper, I heartedly recommend using a local experienced craftsman.  If you are investing in quality goods, why not invest in the best presentation of it?


Talk Topic:  How to bring the garden indoors? ~ Green and Grillwork.

Khimani Plaid

Talk Topic:  How to create vertical balance without window treatments? ~ Pink Plaid Placement.


Talk Topic:  How to lower too tall ceilings?  Juxtaposing Jacobean

edgartown fab Nathanial

Talk Topic:  How to add in a large pattern?  Coordinating Color Compliments 

If after viewing this lovely display of fabulous walls, you still are nervous about the prospect of adding wall coverings as a design element, let’s talk about it.  Most of my vendors offer the option to purchase large, full-length samples, so you can have a better visual.  If you need to tie in some existing patterns, such as a rug, artwork, or existing fabrics, a bit of assistance will give you the confidence to forge ahead.  This is one of those design decisions which can also offer almost immediate gratification.  In a day or less of installation – viola! – a new room!

If these walls could talk, they would say:  “What are you waiting for?!”

Thanks for the cheery wall chat!  Wanda

(Photos compliments of Thibaut Wall Coverings.  One of my favorite trade vendors and available through Interior Concepts by Wanda.)
