Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Vintage Wine Jugs

I have always collected old glass bottles which I usually select based on the age, color or even area in which it was produced. Over the last few years, I have started to collect old wine jugs mainly because I love their larger size and shape but also because of their history. Wine was originally stored in stoneware but the taste of the wine was often altered by the container. The invention of glass by the Roman Empire opened up new options for wine storage, allowing it to age and be stored for decades which enabled wine drinkers to enjoy a larger selection of wine. Most of the bottles available today are French originating around the 1930's and sell for $95 and up.

They can even be turned into lamps!

~Images: wine history via 1) via shelter blog 2) Southern Accents July/Aug 2007 3) Unknown 4 and 5) Coastal Living Nov 2007 6) Unknown 7) Unknown 8) sixx design 9) House Beautiful Jan 2009 10 and 11) Tom Scheerer
