Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dream Interpretation

This is probably more than you want to know about me but I am really into interpreting is kind of an obsession actually. I have several dream books in my nightstand and several dream interpretation websites bookmarked on my computer. I find it truly fascinating that our subconscious can basically be smarter than we are!

One of my reoccurring dreams is me climbing some sort of staircase. According to my research, stairs represent "the steps we must take to achieve certain goals." Traveling up a staircase represents us "climbing to the top" and conversely descending down a set of stairs symbolizes a "failing or taking a step backwards." Also, depending on whether the journey is easy or difficult in your dreams parallels how our journey will be in achieving these goals in your life.

The good news is that I am always climbing up the staircase however, the stairs in my dreams are always rickety or falling apart or there are stairs missing or the stairs are moving and very difficult to climb. Once there were even alligators chomping at my feet from between the treads as I was trying to climb! Yikes! So I'm guessing my "journey to the top" is going to be difficult.

Since I had another one of these (now disturbing) dreams last night, I decided to blog about it and showcase some photos that I have been saving of bright and cheery staircases...maybe this will influence my dreams and help my "journey" to be much more pleasant!

~Dream Info: Dictoinary of Dreams by Rose Inserra and Dream Symbols by Judith Millidge
~Images: 1) via Laura Casey Interiors blog 2) Unknown 3) Domino Oct 2006 4) Domino April 2008 5) Domino April 2006 6) Martha Stewart 7) via
