Head on over to High-Heeled Foot in the Door where I’m the featured blogger in Camila’s “In her Shoes” post today!
I had 3 consultations that day. One at 9:30 am to finalize a garage door colour, another at 10:45 am to help an interior designer with the colours she had specified for a renovation she was working on; and the last one at 1:45 pm to discuss what shade of white to paint the kitchen cabinets and whether the tile flooring should be replaced (among other decisions to be made)! Click here to read the entire post!
I love Camila’s blog (isn’t her header adorable?), and I was thrilled to be included with a long list of prestigious bloggers and designers!
One last little thing, the shoes I'm wearing at the end. Cute but not the ones I spent the day in, they just looked the best for the picture :)
Related posts:
The Three most Important Words in a Colour Consultation
The Best Paint Colours for Kids Bedrooms
5 Designer Secrets that will Make or Break your Paint Colours