Monday, August 3, 2009

Inspire Me, Please!

I was laughing reading the article in Sept 09 issue of Traditional Home featuring Barbara Barry's office. They dubbed her the "Queen of Serene" which is a concept she clearly applies to her office as well as here interiors. Everything in her office is white and clutter free so her mind will be clear to create. The laughter came from the fact that my own office is anything but at serene and clutter free at this particular moment. I know that is a terrible thing to say because I am also a professional organizer but hey, it happens! I am staring at mounds of fabric samples that came in from the design center that I have yet to go through, an array of catalogs and tearsheets that need to be refiled and boatloads of accessories and architectural elements that need to be taken to (or find) their new home. (I would include a photo but I am too embarrassed!) So I will have an unproductive work day ahead as I spend most of it cleaning and reorganizing but this is something that has to be done in order for my mind to think clearly and create. See Barbara, despite the look of my office...I get you! These are images of Celerie Kemble's NY office and her mother's Palm Beach office that were featured in Domino a few years back. God bless them for showing their offices in an everyday random and chaotic state! Tomorrow I will post some pics of really organized and inspirational offices but today, I am going to leave it at this.
~Images: 1 and 2) Tradional Home Sept 2009 3 and 4) Domino Spring/Summer 2005
