I am in Ontario on vacation this week, in Toronto right now and then off to Cottage Country tomorrow! Last night at a dinner party, I met this fabulous woman/entrepreneur who runs her own company and when she was asked how she became successful this was her answer;
Love Toronto's flower pots - photo by Maria Killam
'I asked my best friend to drive me around to all the accounts I wanted to close. I told her to lock the door after I got out and not let me in until I had made each cold call one by one. I cleaned up and that was the start! I hate cold calling, so this made it easier to get it done!'
So, if you are thinking you need to get a job (because your own business isn't going as well as it should because of the economy, or any number of reasons) maybe you should try this strategy first! I was completely inspired, so that's why I'm sharing it with you!
What could you be doing in your business/life/career right now that could take it to the next level? Leave an anonymous comment and tell me what it is!
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What do I need to do you ask? I need to call every single one of my past clients (that I don't have emails for) and simply get their email address because I'm setting up my newsletter for my business, and I find every excuse in the book not to do it. How silly is that. I'm launching it September 8, so I have time but I still need to get it done! Too bad I can't get one of my friends to just lock me in my office until it's done!!
And in the meantime, if you'd like to receive my special report (The top 3 decorating mistakes homeowners make and how to avoid them. Bonus my favourite go-to colours) click here.
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