Thursday, August 13, 2009

Black and White

Who says black and white has to mean bland? Check out these beautiful rooms decorated primarily in a black and white scheme. Being a fan of color, I don't think I could do this in my home however I can appreciate the look. What do you think?

To avoid having the room look "flat" be sure to vary the textures of fabrics, rugs, art and accessories to add some interest as they did with the grasscloth
in this dining room.

And if ALL black and white is too much try adding
an accent color for some contrast.

~Images: 1) Porchlightinteriorsblog 2) Apartment Theropy 3) NJ 4) KWID 5) Elle Decor Oct 2007 6) Cottage Living Sept 2008 7) Cottage Living March 2006 8) Unknown 9) Freshome
