RMITs believe that we do our kids a disservice when we tell them “you can be anything you want to be—anything you dream of being.” They believe you can’t be anything you want to be, but you can be so much more of what you are innately, genetically gifted at. Warren Buffet says, “I was wired to allocate capital.” He would have been a lousy fashion designer. Randall Jones – Author of The Richest Man in Town.
I was lucky to have Kate Smith from Sensational Colour as my mentor at the conference. I learned so much from spending time with her, she was extremely generous with me! One of her many talents is products and packaging; it’s what she spent many years doing prior to setting up her own consulting and speaking business. (by the way, she already knew me through my blog so she volunteered to be my mentor which is another reason to start your own blog!)
Kate has a very informative website in addition to three blogs about colour! Colour talent runs in the family as I learned it’s actually her sister Julie Hoylen, a stylist and consultant, who writes the third blog, live in full color.
The other inspiring colorist I met was CJ from Citron Paint. This is a woman who couldn’t find the right colours for her clients so she started up her own paint company! I actually met her a few years ago at one of the courses put on by the International Association of Colour Consultants in San Diego (of which we are members together)!
She believes that colour should be full spectrum colour! Made from lots of pigments and NO black, which is in most other companies paint formulas! This is what gives your walls luminosity and light, and has them actually come alive in all different lights! And she does colour consultations! If you live in Tucson, she is the one!
Speaking of being rich, the other book I recently purchased is “I will teach you to be rich” by Ramit Sethi. I didn’t realize until I bought it (online on the recommendation of another blogger) that it really is for an under 30 demographic, however, he said he always asks young people two questions: Why do you want to be rich? What does being rich mean to you? He considers himself rich for several reasons, one of which is:
Make career decisions because I want to, not because of money.
So yesterday, when a friend called and asked if I was available for lunch, we ended up spending the afternoon sitting in my lovely garden, because it was a beautiful day. . . that to me is rich.
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