Thursday, April 30, 2009


I had a whirlwind trip to the High Point Market. With shopping lists in tow, I had my focus on certain things; however, I did get a chance to pop by some showrooms in order to check out some trends and color palettes.  This go round, I’ll let the pictures do the talking and I’ll pop back in with more in-depth articles, later.  What’s new, again?  I’ll give you a hint . . . if you watched “American Idol”, this past week, the music was all about the “Rat Pack” and the genre of the late 50’s and early 60’s.

Council 1 Council Showroom – Brownstone Collection

Council 2 Loved this chair – Ostrich Leather and just like “buttah!”

GG-0104 Soicher-Marin Showroom Piece – Reminds me of a lily pad.


I promise you, my parents had this chair in their living room!








Love the honeycomb grillwork in the cabinet.
