Monday, March 23, 2009

Kitchen Paint Colour; 5 Questions to consider First

Thank you to the Washington Post for including this post in your blog watch, March 26, 2009!

One of my clients generously allowed me to photograph her kitchen [last week] so that I could walk through [with you] the new colour we chose and why?

image flickr colour wheel

This is the countertop and backsplash tile. You can see that the backsplash has a pink undertone and that the existing wall colour does not relate to the countertop (it’s bluer and fresher than the gray/green of the counter).



And she has a terra-cotta tiled floor (below). This is the process of choosing a new paint colour:

1. Is there a relationship between the backsplash, flooring, counter or cabinet colour? In the example I’m showing today, the answer is no. This rules out the possibility of adding yet a 5th colour that does not relate to ONE of the existing finishes.

2. What colour would look best with the floor? In this case a straw/yellow colour would have been my first choice with the terra cotta floor, but any shade of yellow would have looked terrible with the pinky-beige backsplash. And we ruled out orange (too strong), or any shade of peach (too dated) as neither colour would work with the backsplash.

3. Can we pick the colour based on the backsplash tile? Here my client was not interested in repeating more of the pinky beige and it would not have been great with the floor either.

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4. Can we work with the existing green shade in the countertop? Yes, picking the Correct shade of green was our only option based on everything we had already considered . We selected cc-606 Beachglass:


image There’s some shadow in the photo but you can see that when we held up the new colour (with a white board behind it) the Beach Glass is a perfect match to the counter.

5. Does this new colour flow with the rest of the house? In this case she did have perfect flow as her sofa and loveseat were a darker shade of the gray/green we chose for her living room (which was a lovely coincidence as this was the kitchen in the home when they moved in).

Asking these questions will help eliminate a pile of colours already, making it easy to choose the final colour. And if this is not easy for you? Consider hiring an expert. Then you will love your space, every time you walk into it because you will know the colour is right.

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Insider Secrets to Testing & Selecting Paint Colours

What Everyone should know about Beige

The Right way to Create Flow using Colour

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