This post is 101
2. Snagit is a program that you can download for 30 days free. It snag’s all those images you can’t copy on-line. An absolute must if you want your blog to be full of fabulous images! It was how I got all the images off the Ralph Lauren website when I wrote this post. Just remember to link back to where you got it from--very important.
3. Sign-up with Google Analytics. This report tracks number of readers, how long people stay on your blog--if they stay longer than 2 minutes (according to Copyblogger) you have a good blog. You just have to copy and paste the HTML codes into blogger. Don’t ask me how to do it cause I can't remember, but you’ll figure it out if you read long enough.
4. Technorati. This site tracks when other people link to you, etc. Actually I haven’t quite figured out exactly all the things it tracks yet myself. But when Patricia Gray and I spoke on the phone last week she was the one that said ‘Could you get on it please? I can’t see when you link to me without it!!’ So I did.
4b. Blogging Friends. The instant friendships you make blogging is the greatest thing about it.
Patricia Gray, Patricia Gray Interior Design
Michelle Morelan, A Schematic Life
5. Headlines. After I stumbled upon Franklin Bishop’s site one day, my headlines have (in my opinion anyways) dramatically improved. It was why I named the following post: What Everyone Should know about Beige. Which by the way, has quickly become the 3rd most read post on my site. Because of what he said: “ This one works well because when people see “Everybody” they will likely want to see what all those people are doing.”
Also, just a little side note to all you bloggers out there. The word identification step? I took mine off my comments ages ago, it makes it so much easier to comment if you don’t have to insert that silly word every time. Then if you don’t get it exactly right it makes you do it over and over until you do. It really bugs me (and sometimes you give up, and then you don’t get that comment!!) So if you want more comments, disable it!!! Thank you :)
7. My Blog Roll. I have recently decided that anyone that comments regularly on my blog is a ‘friend’ and on my blog roll they go. Thanks to all of you that do! It makes me happy and I’m happy to reciprocate. So when you email me and ask me to add you to my blog roll and I don’t know who you are? That’s probably why you are not there. It’s not personal, it’s just the way I’m doing it right now. And that could change at any moment, if I find a compelling blog post that changes my mind. If you have an opinion on that, feel free to comment!
Things that Inspire one of my lovely blogger friends included my blog in a post she wrote recently and in this post, titled ‘Stair Decor’ this image was one of my favourites.
8. Linking. Anyone that’s been reading my blog will know that I have recently become a huge fan of Penelope Trunk, who wrote a post called ‘Why blogging is good for your career’, which I linked to here. She makes a 6 figure income with her blog and gives career advice. It was when I read this post of hers though, that I started linking way more to my past blog posts as I was writing. It keeps readers, reading your blog and that’s what we all want right?
9. Subscribers. If you like my blog and don't want to miss a post, you can subscribe to it on my sidebar in the box on the right, close to the top. To get that widget you'll have to register with Feedburner where you'll have to cut and paste HTML code to get the box set up on your blog.
10. Readers. Recently when I was tagged, one of the ‘6 things about me’ was that I love cute little happy faces and one of my readers, Lousie, sent me this image of a dragonfly photographed by her son Jeff. Isn’t that amazing? I love you all!! And I love you even more when you send me emails and comment :)
Ever noticed that the real ‘meat’ of a blog posting is in the comments? If you don’t read them you are missing out. And if you don’t comment, then we are missing out on your contribution!
Thanks for reading my blog!!!
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Why Blogging is Good for your Career
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