Monday, March 30, 2009

Do you want to be a Vancouver Colour Expert?

There are still some seats available in my next Colour Theory Class held at the Vancouver Community College, Vancouver Campus. Click here for more information and to register. The Fall semester starts September 9 and goes for 12 weeks every Wednesday night for 3 hours.


We will spend the second and third class mixing colours. You will create a palette from each colour in the colour wheel that represent the 3 ways to describe colour; clean or dirty, warm or cool, and light or dark.


One class will be an on-site colour consultation in a client’s home, so you can get an idea of what it looks like to do it on your own.

image flickr

When a client hires me to select colours, what they are looking for is a palette of colours that flow and transition well from room to room, in their home. Each assignment will build upon the next so that you will have the ability to create your own palettes upon completion of the class.

We will also be discussing decorating styles such as, traditional, contemporary, French country, Whistler Cabin, and so on, so that when you are in a clients home that reflects a particular style of decorating, you will know which colours are appropriate to show in building a personalized colour scheme for your client. If you have any questions, Please call or email me.

Hope to see you there!

Related Posts:

Insider Secrets to Testing & Selecting Paint Colours

The right way to Create flow using Colour
