Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Charleston Fashion Week

Today kicks off Charleston Fashion Week.
Not sure if these are boutiques, stylists offices or closets. Regardless, they give me mad inspiration. And as I try to figure out what the ___ to wear to the show, I am painfully reminded that I desperately need a new wardrobe.

[Pause with me while I pout.]

via citified

via whoneedsacloset

via sunnys

[Still pouting.]

And speaking of Charleston Fashion Week, I wanted to give a shout out to my friend, Dee Ruel, who's jewelry will be featured in the show! Dee is crazy talented and unlike many of us who make jewelry as a hobby, she actually studied it at the Hui No' Eau art school on the island of Maui no less! I can see it now...Yeah, dad I want to go study in Hawaii. What, yes, I am serious! In addition to making jewelry, she is also a paper artist! She made me the cutest little calling cards. I wanted something to put in the package when folks make a purchase through Objects and she totally nailed it. Nailed it!

I mean really.

If you need cards, invitations or the like...Dee's your girl. And if you need to bedazzle your arms, ears or neck....Dee's your girl. Local? Check out her shop on Coleman Blvd. in Mt. P (she just celebrated her 3rd anniversary!) and if you are not local, no fear she has a website too!
