Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What is Enlightenment and other Deep Questions

Every month when my newsletter goes out I post a special article that is not included in my blog especially for my newsletter subscribers. This month was no different , thus the headline in yesterdays post titled “Which paint colours are the most timeless?” where I gave anyone that was interested the opportunity to subscribe if they wanted to read it. You know, like a gift.

image flickr

After the 3rd comment saying “I would rather read a blog where I don’t need to subscribe to something to get the information” I realized what was happening behind the comments (you know how we are never upset for the reason that we think) and that is we all want the magic answer (I know I do) for everything that makes us anxious and paint colour is no different.

image flickr

Some of you were upset that there was something you had to do to read the article or maybe it was just that you even had to wait because you thought that it included a list of ‘can’t go wrong’ paint colours (which it didn’t). And the reason why there was no list is because there is no such thing as a timeless or perfect paint colour. Even white is not timeless. As I wrote in my “White is a Snob” post, white is one of the most difficult palettes to work with should you choose to decorate around white walls.

image flickr

Instead my article included 3 tips on the steps you could take towards having a timeless interior but did not have the magic pill on which colour would take the angst of choosing colour away from you (sorry).

Basically the answer to that question would be the same as the answer to “What is enlightenment? Or here’s the secret to happiness. . .

image flickr

Wait. Are you sure you want to know?

image flickr

Okay, here it is. . .


If you want to be happy, be happy.

And there is no easy answer to the first question because enlightenment is also a process and a journey just like decorating your home.

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Without the right lighting, artwork and accessories there is no ‘right’ or ‘perfect’ colour in the world that would work in everyone’s space, all of the time. It’s personal and custom to your space, just like the answer to happiness or enlightenment would be for you personally.

image A flower for you (via flickr)

And just so we are clear, (it’s not a secret) I write this blog so that you will get that I know what I’m talking about and maybe even hire me at some point to choose colours or decorate your house or attend my true colour expert colour training, and then you’ll have another reason to be happy. Because that’s my mission, to give you the confidence in making the right colour choices so that walking into your home fills you with happiness!

image A snow heart for you! (via flickr)

Thanks for reading my blog, it contributes greatly to my happiness, reading your comments, and emails and getting to know some of you personally!

Related posts:

Happiness is. . . when what you think ,say and do are in Harmony

Happiness is. . . Living life as an Adventure!

Happiness is. . . Discovery
