Monday, December 21, 2009

Snow Sightings in the South!

After all of the hoopla from the weatherman, my area of NC only saw the liquid version of precipitation.  (And I say this with the utmost empathy and respect for my friends, in northern parts, who experienced blizzard conditions.)  I just can’t help it - there is something about a little dusting of the crystalline white stuff which sends my heart aflutter at the holidays.

You can imagine, then, when I trekked a little further up I-77, to one of my favorite shopping spots and witnessed this vision as I walked to the front porch . . . . well, be still my heart . . . a snow sighting!!!

IMG_4368A photo taken outside of Farmhouse Gardeners, located in Statesville, NC.  They are really worth the visit - not only for garden items, but they have a lovely shop full of interior accents, antiques & gifts.  Fabulous customer care & my purchases were wrapped for me!

IMG_4369 A friendly snowman even greeted my husband and me with open arms!

This was one of those last minute side trips.  I had to deliver some pillows and florals to a client, at Lake Norman, while we were also heading to visit with my husband’s family, in the same area.  As we got a little closer, I mentioned making the “loop” to this favorite shop.  Off we went, with our dachshunds in tow, presents packed up, and in a red Ford Explorer.  The furry bell collars, which our boys were tolerating so nicely, jingled in unison whenever we hit a bump in the road.  While I shopped for a few extra gifts, (and in peaceful surroundings, minus the mall madness), I enjoyed being in the present . . . a true gift to my husband and myself.

As we get closer to the New Year, I’m sure my topics will veer back to the world of interior design.  For now, I’m giving myself the gift of enjoying these moments and I hope, in some way, they will be a gift to you.

Merry Christmas to everyone and thank you for sharing your visits with me!  Wanda 
