Here are the top 10 most read posts since I started writing this blog in November 2009. The first one I wrote within two weeks and has remained the #1 most popular post on my blog.
1. White Kitchen Cabinets
This post has also turned into a Dear-Abby-which-white-should-MY-Cabinets-be? Because I’ll answer this question if it’s not too complicated and doesn’t require much time. If you need to show photos or give a lot of detail for the context of your question, I would still recommend at least a one hour on-line consultation to get it right. Click here to email me for rates.
2. The Best Trim Colours—NOT Cloud White
I met a designer shortly after writing this post who said “I was so mad when I read your article because I had just finished painting my townhouse Cloud White from top to bottom”. So let me say it again, I am not saying Cloud White is a bad colour, it simply should never be used as a go-to colour because there is no such thing as any colour that works in every situation.
3. What Everyone should Know about Beige
What does a pink and yellow tulip have to do with beige? Read on to find out. You might see something new about beige that you have never seen before.
4. 5 Questions to consider when selecting a new Colour for your Kitchen.
This post got into the Washington Post Blog Watch because it’s a great tutorial on how to pick a colour for your kitchen.
5. Insider Secrets to Testing and Selecting Paint Colours
This post gives an eye-opening look at the process that an expert walks-through when picking colours for your home.
6. A Light Colour will Never Come to Life in a Dark Room
Do you still think that you need a light colour in a dark room? Read this post before you decide.
7. The Right way to Create Flow using Colour
This is a huge dilemma for many a home-owner, and it’s the biggest reason why a colourist is hired in the first place!
Interior by Maria Killam Colour & Design If your house is already painted, click here to find out if you have created a palette that flows!
8. What Everyone Should know about Gray
Okay, now that you know which undertones are in Beige, read on to see which ones you’ll find in shades of gray!
9. How to Create a Tablescape
This post also got into the Washington Post Blog Watch as it includes some great stylist tips on decorating coffee tables and dressers!
Tablescape by Maria Killam Colour & Design
10. 5 Steps to a Kitchen you will Love
This post examines the dilemma of choosing between painted cabinets or stained. (I actually think it’s better than ‘White Kitchen Cabinets’ but it barely made the top 10!).
And here are some posts that are simply my favourites:
Danger Zone: The first 24 Hours after you Take Possession of your New Home
When you first walk into your empty house [unless it’s brand new] this is what you see:
1) It’s dated.
2) None of it is or would have been your choice in the first place.
3) The colours are [generally] so bad it’s hard to see past them to how great it would look if just the right colours were on the wall. [click on the above link to read the article].
Warning: You are the Colours in your Home
Happiness is. . . Being Uncomfortable [When you pick the wrong colour].
And one of the most important posts that Everyone decorating or renovating should read:
Hiring a Designer; Luxury or Necessity
When my installer handed me his invoice of $210.00 for an installation that lasted approximately 1 1/2 hours, I got to thinking; why is it that a home-owner seems to have no real issues with paying for labour? The painter, plumber, electrician, tile layer, carpenter, and so on. But hiring the DESIGNER or COLOUR CONSULTANT-even if it’s just for a 2 hour consultation-to pull it all together, to make it all beautiful and fabulous, seems to fall into the category of LUXURY? [click on the headline to read the rest].
If you would like your home to fill you with happiness every time you walk in, contact me for on-line or in-person consultations.
*Image sources for photos are found in each listed post.
Related posts:
10 Ways to Save money Now by Creating a Focal Point
10 Things I learned (so far) from my Designer; by a Happy Client
Does your Home have Colour Flow? Take the Toss Cushion test
Atmosphere; The one Thing you Cannot Buy
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