Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Rewards of Teaching

My final Colour Theory Class at the Vancouver Community College for the Fall Semester was last Wednesday evening (I have one month off before we start up again in January) and my wonderful students surprised me with a bouquet of yellow orchids and this gorgeous card:

Here I am reading my card :)

This is my 4th semester teaching but my first card with flowers so it's kind of a big deal for me ;) and of course I had to post it!

Here I am with my orchids!

And here is the group photo!

Love the fan deck! Good work Cydia!

I had a client ask me this week if she could take my course even though she wasn't enrolled in the Interior Design program and the answer is yes. This is still continuing education and not everyone knows when they participate in one of our courses whether a career in colour or interior design is for them. It's a great idea to take a course and find out!
