Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happiness is . . . Getting what you want

I heard a quote yesterday that I just had to share with you I thought it was so great! And here it is:

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there!”

Colorful Path by MissTessmacher.

It reminded me of a course I was in with Landmark Education years ago. The conversation was (and is always) about ‘living a life that you love and living your life powerfully' [and how to get there].

One of the participants stood up and asked a question. He said “But I’ve been visualizing and intending for quite a while now and still nothing is happening.” And I’ll always remember what the course leader said. She said “If you are just waiting for the universe to descend upon you, [with your visualizing] it’s not going to happen. You actually have to DO SOMETHING so that the universe can BUMP YOU in some direction!” Just sitting there visualizing without doing anything isn’t going to cut it!

It's a good quote to get all of us thinking about what we are committed to DOING in 2009 to have the life that we want! What are you going to do?
