Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Forever Home For A Sweetheart

If you don’t know my friend, Marcy Feld, you should take the time to visit the lovely blog she writes for the business she shares with her husband, Irwin, at Irwin Feld Design.  Even though she features some fantastic pieces of furniture and accents, from their Mid-Century Modern gallery, her posts delve much deeper than the pieces you might find to grace your interiors.  She touches you with her charm, her kindness and her musings about what is most important in living a beautiful life.  As another friend of mine might say, “She’s lived long enough to understand.”

(Irwin Feld Design - Everyone Loves A Snow Day – Holiday House 2010)

One of the things I admire about Marcy is her involvement in her local community and the desire to make it a better place for others.  Marcy, (along with Irwin), is a great advocate for her local Susan G. Komen chapter.  Irwin Feld Design has created outstanding rooms to benefit The Cure through the NYC Holiday House.  When you know you are helping others, it’s easy to raise your hand to participate.  At least that’s how Irwin and Marcy see it.


In fact, they decided to go one step further and are offering this Pretty in Pink For Life Bench for sale.  It originated when they were asked to host New England Home Connecticut’s fall networking event in the gallery, this past October. With a gathering of some of Fairfield County’s (and beyond) “Best & Brightest” during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, they decided to use the event to raise awareness as well as funds for Komen for the Cure - Connecticut.


The little sweetheart of a bench has been waiting for some special person to place it in its “forever home”.  I wanted to help the Felds spread the word, in the hope that someone would fall in love with its pink, rosy, tufting and button details.  Even more so, the proceeds would be such a blessing to the people who have journeyed through the disease of breast cancer!


Can you find room in your heart and home?  I’m sure you’ve got the perfect place!


If you’re interested in bringing “Baby” home, (my nickname for this precious piece), you can contact Marcy via the information, below:

Marcy Feld
Marketing Director
583 Pacific Street  Stamford  CT  06902
T   203 588 0567
F   203 588 0024

In honor of all of my breast friends! ~ Wanda
