Yesterday, I visited a project that was about three years in the making. (I’m talking about from the blueprints to the finished home.) We keep adding little layers as this home is like a special woman who enjoys having a little extra attention. It makes for an extra glow! It is also the type of place where the words “simple” and “minimal” just can’t be applied. There is also a fine line to the process of layering. Too much, too soon, can be overwhelming. My philosophy always is, “It’s easier to add than subtract”, so with clients who can embrace that concept, we create not only magic but memories, as well.
Sometimes I have some pieces in my treasure trove, of which I’m not sure where they’ll eventually be placed, but I have a “feeling” they will certainly land in a lovely spot. This Belgium tapestry was one such item. It was a little small so I had the workroom add an aged velvet with cording. I ordered custom iron rods from Helser Brothers. They do beautiful work and made the brackets so that I could reverse the acanthus leaves, from top to bottom. The tabs and rods allowed for the tapestry to be stretched out in order to prevent wrinkling in between.
Here’s a close-up of one of the brackets. Beautiful! (Since I’m only 5’1”, I was so happy my new Canon G-12 camera zoomed to capture that shot. Just wanted you to know I didn’t climb a ladder to get the photo and risk ruining my career with a broken neck!)
The groin vaulted ceilings are a magnificent architectural detail. If we had only allowed for a flat painted surface, the depth would have been lost. Adding soft texturing, which compliments the marble floors, let the lines pop forth. After standing back, just one more layer did the trick . . . the hand-painted leaves are a reference to the light fixtures.
We’ve decided to build a couple of custom wall-mounted tables for the walnut paneled library. My inspiration will come from the cast stone fireplace supports.
The scroll pattern will be repeated in some corbels. My fabulous craftsperson, Phillip Stapp, will make these pieces seem as if they have been in place, from the beginning. He was so pleased he had just acquired some reclaimed walnut boards! We changed the original function of the room, from an office to a retreat. It’s now home to a pool table and some comfy chairs.
Here is the area we’re going to address. I can’t wait to show you the finished results. Stay-tuned, in late March, for some new photos!
It’s always so nice to step back into a project. Not only am I able to enjoy seeing the work we’ve accomplished, I enjoy catching up with clients to share their latest events. Even in a few months, those events can change the focus of their home and I’m happy to be there to make the tweaks. I call it “planning with flexibility”.
“Love the home you’re in and allow for the details to honor it well.” ~ Wanda S. Horton – Interior Design
All my best! ~ Wanda