Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Village Trend for Shoppers

We arrived at the University Village just outside of Seattle yesterday. Next to the Village at Park Royal where I live, this one is really pretty. Guess why we were here? Crate & Barrel of course (we don't have one in Vancouver).

How cute are these umbrella stands for shoppers to use when it's raining - they were throughout!

I didn't end up with much. I'm not really into new tabletop decor since I haven't bought my dining table or sideboard yet.

Everywhere I go, I'm always looking at colour (I can't help myself) from the perspective of "Is it trendy or dated?"

In this adorable little village, there was not a trendy colour in sight!

Conversely a shopping center in Abbotsford (where my family lives) has recently been painted brown. Trust me, there is nothing attractive about a huge rectangular looking box, with zero architectural detail in a dark, heavy colour like that (Residential is different of course), and it just screams 2008! When I tried to find a photo on the internet to show you, I couldn't find one. No one obviously found it pretty enough to photograph as it's not on their website either.

According to an article I found at, the suburban village trend of merging commercial and residential is reinventing failing shopping centres all around the country.

I don't know about you, but every time I see a new trend and think it's really fabulous, I have a hard time imagining what would be the next more fabulous, more modern look beyond this one.

This village is such a great example of the Colour Marketing Groups slogan: 'Colour Sells, and the right Colours sell better'. Colour done right, creates atmosphere and exterior is no exception.

All Photos by Maria Killam

Do you have a village like this where you live?

If you would like your home to fill you with happiness every time you walk in, contact me for on-line or in-person decorating and colour.

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