Ahhh . . . It’s that time of year, again. A long weekend, for most of us, to either take a break from our regular work week, via scheduling one last mini vacay ~ or ~ by taking another look around the house to see if a short term project can be completed.
At first, my thoughts were heading towards this:
I had almost arrived to the point of turning a stubborn, grassless patch into a raised planting bed. Luck would have it, the tiller is receiving some repairs. At least my husband views it as his good fortune. He loves to run the thing, just without having to keep it in a straight line! (Brooke Giannetti and Jonathan Legate, two other interior designers, have aptly shared their summer gardening experiences and inspired me to consider taking a little more time to create my own “farm to table” experience.)
So then, I considered painting a small room, or two, or three! Yes, interior designers can be a “bit” behind on their own home projects. My pros are usually assisting clients so I’ve had to become more handy with the brush. I don’t so much mind the painting portion of things . . . it’s the moving of furniture and stripping down of wall objects which don’t move me to do the happy dance. What does excite me about painting, aside from the results? Paints with no odor, no VOC’s, like this.
A few minutes later, my thoughts meandered back to the garden – sort of. Wouldn’t a planter make a great option to the whole tilling thing? It has been so hot in North Carolina, I think the garden centers are holding back on putting out the lettuce seedlings. So far, no seedling sightings. This idea went into the “to-be-determined” file. (F-i-l-e . . . Did you ever notice . . . it’s so easy to change the ‘f’ to a ‘p’? The concept of organization just flew out of the window!)
My last blog post was about pantries. I’ve been in the mood to look at repurposing an area in my kitchen. These shelves look like they would expand a small area for some wonderful storage! I could definitely stand to capitalize on some better space options. But wait, I’m considering using a different cabinet design and finish! A bit of a kitchen face lift, if you will. No amount of “Butlery Botox” will do the trick. (I’m looking forward to reading more of fellow blogger, Amy Beth Cupp Dragoo’s updates on her own pantry/laundry room re-do, via her posts.)
Mmmm . . . kitchens . . .cooking . . . food! I wanted to take a break from thinking about what to do on my break. I imagined these could help me boost my concentration level. (Okay, just imagining. I’ve sworn off rich, caloric cupcakes until at least forever!) Cooking Done Light has a great substitute, here.
Just last night, I was chatting with a pair of my Twitter friends, @AnneLubnerDsign and @Norbridge. (Where else can you simultaneously chat with a lovely Florida-based interior designer – Anne, and Juliane - an elegant antiques’ dealer from Toronto?) We were recapping some of our favorite vacation spots. In the midst of the conversation, I mentioned what a great project it would be for me to clean up my photo files. (I’m sure my other Twitter friend, talented photographer, Bruce Barone, has some great tips.) I love being organized, and some of the pics from vacations, past, were buried in folders with dates and not titles. The danger in this? I would be back at the desk, on the computer, and not really taking a break. So . . . it was back to the drawing board.
Then, I had an epiphany . . . .
Step away from the drawing board! Step very far away!
I realized it’s sometimes difficult for a creative, entrepreneurial type to let go of wanting to push ahead on projects, be it for clients or for myself. I am definitely one who tries to have a balance but who can also let the scales tip more towards responsibilities and obligations, rather than fun. It’s not a totally bad trait for your interior designer to have that degree of dedication. It has benefitted my clients for the many years I’ve steadfastly been in practice. It also is not a good idea for your interior designer to never take a break. All paperwork can make for a dull designer. Heaven forbid that should ever happen!
(I love the name of these little mountain homes – The Fiddlestix Cottages!)
I quickly decided to make a few calls, while crossing fingers, that someone would have last minute accommodations for a party of four, (well, two humans and two fur people), be close to some great restaurants and shops, while being wrapped in the privacy of some lovely trees. Didn’t ask for much, at the 11th hour, did I? I had turned this over to divine intervention. If it was to be, it would be.
(I’m pretty sure Divine Intervention lives here.)
Well, what do you know! I’m going to breathe some crisp morning air, have my coffee overlooking the trees, and maybe even wear a sweater! (Saturday morning’s lows will be 49 degrees.) I’ll be strolling in and out of shops, walk my dachshunds with my husband, dine at a nearby organic restaurant, and will attempt to slow the hands of the clock, for a few days. (My friend, Marcy Feld, has inspired me with her posts about special summer days, spent in her country home.) Sometimes last minute planning can bring big rewards!
Thank you to everyone who has been part of my team. I hope you will have a Lovely Labor-less Day, too!