Every now and then, life takes you on a little “side” trip. While I am one of those people who tends to enjoy keeping to a schedule and having a plan, I’ve also been known to “Carpe Diem”, when something special presents itself.
I had been contemplating dipping my pinkie toe back into the waters of having a little shop, or a “petite boutique”, as the French might say. I had even created the card, you see above, as I daydreamed about the space, what I would offer, and the experience I wanted to create for customers. As an interior designer, I’ve had the opportunity to work in some very fine homes, and yet, I’ve also always enjoyed a beautifully appointed cottage or bungalow. Villas and Bungalows seemed to be a fitting name for a place to pop by and for claiming a special treasure or two, whether you live in a castle or a cottage.
Well, it does seem to be, whenever my head and heart coincide, good things happen and the opportunity presented itself, just this past weekend. It was too good to overlook and so here I will be:
This old, historic mill, just outside of Charlotte in Concord, NC, will offer 44,000+ sq feet of specialty shops.
The partners, who founded this venture, are quite impressive in their vision and in addressing what shoppers desire. For every question, they had a well, thought-out answer. And, be still my heart . . . they understand how important it is to use the combination of traditional media and social media to share their story.
I’ll be updating progress on my other blog, Villas and Bungalows. and I hope you will be sure to add it to your follow. If you are in the Charlotte, NC area, I hope you’ll stop by for a visit. The opening will be in February, 2010.
The writing is still happening on my other series, “Great Beginnings”. This little “side trip” seemed to fit right in!
Cheers and Bella Grazie! Wanda