Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summertime Shopping and Etsy

The temperatures have been hovering in the 90’s, for the past few days in North Carolina, so we have already felt summer’s arrival.  June 21st is the official date for the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere.  We are tilted closer to the sun, thus the effects of the abounding warmth.  Summertime also seems to be the season for a greater abundance, in casual living, and a little relaxed style is in order.

il_430xN_71470006                Printable Paper Art From Herculiz Shop - Etsy

For some reason, my designing eyes turn to things more organic and playful in their design.  What better place to find that sort of item than EtsyFor those unfamiliar with Etsy, their tagline is, “Your place to buy & sell all things handmade.”  You could sit for hours browsing through all of the talented artisans’ shops.  Not only can you find beautiful, unique things for your home, there are many gift items, as well. When traveling back and forth to see family and friends, how nice it would be to bring a little treasure, that of which they would not see in every shop on the corner.


il_fullxfull_61041348 il_fullxfull_61047346             Michelle Prosek – Glass Tiles – Starfire Studios - Etsy  

The handmade tiles, pictured above, fascinate me, because of the steps the artist goes through, to achieve the beautiful depth and dimension – and in about ninety hours of time.  They are hand carved and hand fused.  Michelle Prosek, the Canadian artist, will ship just about anywhere, so it isn’t necessary to make the trip to Ontario . . . although, I am sure their travel industry would welcome you!

etsy herculiz        This collage of Antique Fabrics is also by Herculiz - Etsy


Heather Palmer created this fanciful, small aqua nest of glass. It almost seems as if a bit of the Caribbean sea has been sculpted in the moonlight.  Her Etsy site holds many more of these treasures.  What a wonderful hostess gift to bring to a friend who has a house at the shore or the lake!  This would also make a most special wedding present for a summer bride.


This “Birdie Bunch” pillow, by Olive’s Shop, makes me think of all of the Twitter friends I have made.  For the non-techies, Twitter is a way people connect, or create a social network, through a process called “Tweeting” only 140 characters at a time.  The logo is a bird, very similar to some in this little flock of friends.  When folks who Twitter get together, it’s referred to as a “Tweet-Up”.  How fun it would be to gift this to one of my favorite “Tweeple”!  (Yes, we Twitter folk are a little unique – just like Etsy!)

Twitter                           Just An FYI - The Twitter Logo

I would encourage you to log on to see what you might find on Etsy.  Grab a glass of lemonade, or your favorite cool beverage, and begin your “surfing”.  You won’t even need a wave or a board!  Happy Summer!

Cheers! – Wanda
