It’s been more than 7 months since I started this blog and that’s how long I’ve been in drama over my lack of a real header! Then on Friday, I received a comment from AB Interiors, and as I always do because it’s proper blog etiquette, I went over to her blog where she had just posted about her new blog design including the header [below]. It was then that I realized mine could be just as simple!! So I clicked on Lemon Cherry’s website and. . . Here it is Ladies & Gentleman, my new header [see the top of my blog]. Just like magic and it’s only Monday evening! This is my amazing illustrator, Katie Lane with Lemon Cherry. Her format is very simple, you click through her menu and buy the package you want and presto, you are in business. And completely affordable too! Get her now while you can before she’s so famous that her rates go up!!
Katie was so delightful to work with, I filled out a detailed questionnaire and then she sent me over to colour lovers first to pick the colours I wanted in my header so there was no guessing for her and it made everything so much easier for me! And she didn’t mind my picky little “can you change the green in the fan she’s holding and make it more yellow?” Love her!
She presented the first one on Saturday morning and after some changes and a second one this morning, I got home this evening and there it was, my happy little header!
I have also learned a new word; favicon, it’s the little tiny letter or picture in front of the URL. Right now it’s just the blogspot icon, but she’s changing it so it’s my yellow M.
Blogs freshly squeezed by Katie Lane. It’s the place to get your header looking just like YOU!
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