Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Little Black Dress

I thought I'd share with you this site by Gwyneth Paltrow I stumbled upon while blogging one day. You can subscribe to her newsletters where she talks about clothes, menus, travel, etc. It's like getting a personal email straight from Gwyneth, approximately once a week. Since we are in the season where we all need a cute little black dress, I thought I'd share my favourites from her recent newsletter with you:

Here she said she chopped 3 inches off the hemline which is what I did with a little black dress I bought a month ago. I decided I too needed to get a pair of tights and get with the trend! Unfortunately it was then too short when I got it back and tried it on. I wished that the tailor had said "Are you sure you want it that short, maybe you should sit down in it and make sure?", that's when I noticed how darn short it actually was! So remember that ladies, if you are out to shorten a dress or skirt!

This one I liked because I have a gray sweater and a thick black belt similar to this one, it's fun to get new ideas with clothes you already own!

And this one I had to show because of those fuscia tights. . . aaaack, I already did that in the 80's so I guess I can't do it a second time. . . sigh. It's very cute on her though.

Now a post from me wouldn't seem right if I didn't say something about the colour so if you are going to wear black, here's what it means:

Black: Sleek, sexy, chic, expensive, glamorous yet practical, power, sophisticated, formal, elegance & drama, wealth, mystery, and style.

Lots of good reasons to wear black this season!
