Thursday, November 20, 2008

Barbara Barry's Philosophy

Barbara Barry

I was at Kravet/Tritex at 611 Alexander yesterday afternoon for an open house where they were showcasing Barbara Barry's new Contract fabric line for Kravet. Then I went online to Kravet's site and saw Steve Nobel had recently posted an interview with Barbara on his 'Inspired Talk' Blog for Kravet:

One of the questions he asked her was: What business practices support the success of your brand? And she said "Always telling the truth. My opinion as a designer is the most valuable virtue that I have, and I strive to know it and own it. Believing in the essence of my brand – my philosophy – gives authenticity to my voice." I love that answer, it's what I do as well because that's what the client is paying for!

While I was there, I saw Patricia Kramer who is Textile Trimmings Sales Rep for drapery hardware. Patricia first tracked me down 10 years ago when I had been featured in 'The Courier' on the westside when I first started my interior design business. She was at Aftex then and she invited me out to their showroom. Then a couple years later she was the one that told me Benjamin Moore was hiring Colour Consultants. Patricia hooked me up again last year in August when she recommended me to the VCC as their Colour Theory Instructor. Patricia has taught 'Textiles' inside their Interior Design Certificate Program for many years, so I owe a lot to her as do many designers in the industry. Connecting people is one of Patricia's many gifts.
